Help & advice articles
Below is a list of articles associated with the tag "Condensation".
The Battle Against Condensation: What You Need to Know
It’s that time of year when temperatures go down outside, leading to condensation. Condensation and mould may be unpleasant, but they are...
Condensation Advice
For most of us, condensation during winter is as normal as endless rain and the occasional storm. However, condensation isn’t necessarily as...
Dehumidifier Basics Part Two: Reasons To Consider A Dehumidifier
The nights are longer, the heating has gone on, and you start to notice those dreaded droplets on the windows, or the slightly damp smell in...
Dehumidifier Basics Part One: FAQs
At this time of year, the heating goes on, we make warming stews and soups, and the washing only gets wetter on the line so is brought in to...
Simple Steps to Reduce Condensation: Part 2
Last week we introduced the bane of many people’s life: condensation and its nasty friend, mould. Condensation is a normal part of living in...
Simple Steps to Reduce Condensation: Part 1
It’s that time of year where temperatures drop and the heating goes on. While it may be warm and snuggly inside, it’s pretty much guaranteed...
Focus On: Condensation – Causes, Treatment and Cure
For most homeowners, condensation is just a normal part of winter. After all, cold outside + warm inside + cold walls = condensation. And if...
Focus on Damp Part Two: Condensation
It’s that time of year when the heating goes on and the windows are closed. It is also possibly that time of year where you notice the odd...
The Top Five: Condensation Prevention Tips
It’s that time of year again where it feels as though the ground will never be dry and we may never see blue sky again. As we crank up the...
Condensation, the Facts: Dealing with Condensation
We have already looked at what causes condensation; here we take a look at ways that you can deal with it. Getting rid of condensation...
Condensation, the Facts: What is Condensation?
As temperatures outside drop and the heating starts to come on, many home-owners will be plagued by a mysterious black mould. Many people...