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Wigan County Council - Good Trader Scheme

How do traders join the scheme?
Traders apply to the scheme and are verified if they commit to following consumer protection and other relevant legislation.

How does it work?
Consumers award rate scheme members on a star rating of one to five. The more satisfied the customer is, the better the rating.

Do scheme members offer the lowest price?
We always advise customers to get at least three quotes and keep in mind that the cheapest quote is not always the best one.

If you change your mind after the trader has quoted, or if after work has started you ask for additional work to be done, you should ask for a revised price as this may cost more.

Do trading standards guarantee the quality of the work?
Scheme members agree to comply with the law. However we can not guarantee the quality of their work.

What if I’m not happy with the work?
Although we don’t guarantee the quality of the work, we will investigate poor ratings and take action where necessary.

If we do this, we will not pass on your details to any trader without your consent.

We ask you to be as fair as possible when evaluating your trader, keeping in mind that all traders experience occasional problems outside their control. If you do have a problem you should contact us.