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September Gardening Jobs

September Gardening Jobs

After a lush summer full of sunshine, flowers and al fresco drinking and dining, at last the leaves are starting to turn, as the garden prepares for cooler days. This is a good time to take stock of your high and low points from a gardening perspective. Did you plant your veg in the right location? Should you plant out more/less next year? What flourished, and what wasn’t so successful?

No matter how big or small, successful or disappointing your gardening experience this year, you can learn from both your successes and failures and move on to make improvements next year. Here are some basic jobs that you can do in your garden this September.

Tidy Up

Inside, outside, wherever you are, tidying up is usually the boring bit! However, keeping your garden tidy doesn’t just make it look good, it helps to maintain healthy plants and prevent rot and disease, too. Keep on top of falling leaves, deadhead roses and collect fallen fruit, such as apples, from your garden to protect your lawn. The easiest way to deal with garden waste is with a compost bin; not only is it a quick and easy way of keeping your garden, you will be rewarded with free compost next year!

Tend to Baskets and Pots

Baskets and pots are a great way of adding a splash of colour throughout the year with the added bonus of being low maintenance. However, dead, straggly, untended pots and baskets can make your outdoor space look neglected, so it’s important that you give them some care and attention before the winter. Pots need extra help to drain during the wetter weather, so prop them up on bricks or pot stands to prevent them from becoming waterlogged. Keep pruning and watering (if necessary) all pots and hanging baskets; if you are diligent in caring for them, they should last at least until the first frost.

Trees and Shrubs – Plan Ahead

It may seem too early to start thinking about planting trees or shrubs, but if you get them into the ground now, they will be established enough to produce a good growth spurt next spring. By getting in early, you will be giving your trees and shrubs a whole extra year of growth!

Lawn Care

Similar to trees and shrubs, now is the time to patch up or repair your lawn with seeds or turf, as the new grass will have longer to become established before having to cope with dryer weather. As the weather gets cooler, gradually raise the height of your mower blades; grass growth will slow down considerably over winter, meaning that you will barely need to mow the lawn.

Invest in You

The primary reason for working in the garden is to make it enjoyable for you and your loved ones. If you want a relaxing garden but don’t have the time (or inclination) to make it a luscious paradise, consider using a gardener, who can help your garden flourish, without any stress.

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