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Practical Heating Tips to Keep you Warm Whatever the Weather

Practical Heating Tips to Keep you Warm Whatever the Weather

With the rise in energy costs and the removal of the energy payment, finding the most efficient, affordable, and eco-friendly methods to heat homes and individual rooms is more important than ever. Your heating options are most probably limited by the size of your home, your insulation, budget and priorities e.g. sustainability or cost. However, there are a few things that you can consider when thinking about the most practical and cost effective way to stay warm in the winter.

Central heating

Most people have some kind of central heating installed. While this is efficient in that it can heat up the home relatively quickly, and keep it warm, there is quite a lot of waste; you may end up heating the whole house just to warm one room. If you have central heating, consider investing in thermostat controls for different areas. Remember to consider which room your thermostat is in; if it is in a cooler area, for example the hallway, then the rest of the house will be much warmer than the temperature that you set.

Heating individual spaces

If you prefer it cooler in the bedrooms but like a warm living space, then it is a good idea to consider options for heating individual spaces. Smart thermostats are an ideal solution for this as you can set different temperatures for different areas. If you don’t have a smart thermostat, then it may be a good idea to look at portable heaters. In bedrooms and lounges, a simple heated blanket or cushions may be enough to keep you warm. However, other portable options include oil-filled radiators, convector heaters, ceramic heaters, infrared heaters, fan heaters, and halogen heaters.

Each type of heater has pros and cons (follow us on Facebook or X for next week’s blog), and the best heater type will depend on its use. In general, oil-filled radiators or ceramic heaters are most effective and cost efficient for longer-term use, whereas fan or halogen heaters work well if you want to heat a small space very quickly. When it comes to cost and energy saving, infrared heaters are a great option.

Making your home more energy efficient

Keeping your home warm isn’t just about getting the warmth in, it is about keeping it in and keeping the cold air out. Improving your energy efficiency at home is therefore vital. Check to see that your home is properly insulated, and if it isn’t, get a quote for getting the job done properly; there are some grants available to support this. If you notice a draught coming in under doors or around windows, use draught excluders, and invest in double or triple glazing if you can. If new windows aren’t in the budget, there are some great temporary solutions that you can do at home yourself.

The priority this winter is to stay warm and safe. If you are not able to do that, seek support from your local authority.


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