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How To Banish Clutter

How To Banish Clutter

Most of us have fallen foul of clutter at some point. Everyone has a different breaking point: that moment when it seems that there is just no space anywhere to put anything, because the house if full of THINGS! The problem for many people is that those things are either considered to be essential, or they are of sentimental value and can’t be sent to the charity shop. So, how do you declutter your home without binning precious objects?

Storage is the absolute key to keeping your home clutter-free. If you have a lifetime’s worth of ornaments, photos and mementos that you can’t bear to banish to storage, rubbish or charity, don’t despair: storage could just be there to save the day.


Innovative cube shelving can help you to display your ornaments along one wall, freeing up surfaces and helping the room to look bigger. First, take a good look at your pieces. Get them all out and decide if you can bear to part with any of them. Then assess your “keepers”; some may look good in a little cluster, while other, larger pieces, will look better alone. This will give you a good idea of how many shelves and cubby holes you need in your storage, and what size they need to be. There are a range of composite shelves that you can mix and match to get the effect you need, or you can consult a carpenter to make you a bespoke piece. The overall effect will be a neat, organised wall displaying some of your most memorable moments. The pale shelves will make the room seem larger and you will be able to see your precious pieces.


High shelves add extra storage space as well as drawing the eye to the ceiling, which will make a room feel larger. This is a great way to display books and larger objects without taking up too much space. Opt for shelves that complement the room: floating shelves add storage space without taking up too much wall.

Try organising your shelves by colour to create the impression of order. Colour coordinating tricks your brain into seeing a smaller number of “collections”, instead of the eye being drawn to hundreds of smaller objects and giving a cluttered impression. It may seem too simple to be true but trust us: it works!

For a treat that you will enjoy for years, consult a carpenter about finding storage solutions that will work for you.


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