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Building Your Ecosystem: Feeding Birds in the Winter

Building Your Ecosystem: Feeding Birds in the Winter

Birds aren’t just nice to see and hear in the garden, they perform a vital role in the balance of nature. Winter can be challenging for birds as they find it hard to find food naturally, particularly with fewer green spaces to choose from. Feeding birds can be very rewarding, but it is essential that you know what to feed them, and how.

What to feed birds

Different bird species have different dietary needs, and providing a variety of foods ensures you cater for all your garden visitors. High-energy foods are especially important during winter as birds need to stay warm and keep their energy up. Ideal choices include:

  • Seeds and nuts, such as sunflower seeds and unsalted peanuts. Make sure nuts are crushed or placed in a mesh feeder to prevent choking.
  • Fat balls and suet cakes - these are rich in energy and perfect for cold weather. Avoid those containing salt or artificial additives.
  • Fruit such as pears, and raisins attract species like thrushes and blackbirds.
  • Grains like oats and millet are good for smaller birds like finches and sparrows.
  • Live or dried mealworms to provide protein – these are particularly loved by robins.

Avoid giving birds bread, which lacks nutrients and can expand in their stomachs, leading to health problems.

Where to feed birds

Hygiene is important when feeding birds, to prevent the spread of diseases. Regularly clean feeders, bird tables, and water baths using a mild disinfectant and rinse thoroughly. Wash your hands after handling bird feed or equipment.

Place feeders at different heights to accommodate a variety of species. Hanging feeders attract tits and finches, while ground feeders are suitable for dunnocks and robins. Keep feeding stations away from predators, such as cats, by placing them near shrubs or in open spaces where birds have a clear line of sight.

When to feed birds

Birds can become reliant on regular feeding, especially in winter when natural resources are scarce. Once you start feeding, maintain it throughout the season. Abruptly stopping may leave birds struggling to find alternative food sources.

Maintaining the feeding area

Keep an eye on your feeding area to ensure it’s safe and free from potential hazards. Remove uneaten food to prevent it from rotting and to deter pests like rats. Feeding little and often can help to prevent waste and protect against the spread of disease.

Develop your ecosystem

For a more sustainable approach, plant native species that provide natural food sources, such as berries and seeds. Species like hawthorn, holly, and rowan are excellent choices for attracting birds year-round. A gardener can help you to choose trees and shrubs that are suitable for your garden and will help you to building a welcoming environment for birds and other precious wildlife. If you are concerned about encouraging unwanted guests with your feeding, speak to a pest control specialist for advice.

For more information or to send us pictures of your garden wildlife, follow us on Facebook or X.


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