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What is the average cost of treating woodworm?

Answered by TrustATrader

Woodworm is the wood-eating larvae of many species of beetle. It is also a generic description given to the infestation of a wooden item (normally part of a dwelling or the furniture in it) by these larvae. (wiki)

Excess damp can be a major cause of woodworm as the larvae feed off the moisture in the wood. A simple lack of ventilation in your roof space or other enclosed space may well be the cause

Woodworm might seem easy to remove/fumigate from your home. However, the wrong treatment method can do far more harm than good. Further, if you don’t use the right chemical-compounds, treatment solutions, and don’t go in the proper order when treating the woodworms, further infestation can occur down the road.

The average cost of treating woodworm can be between £500-1000 depending on the size of your property, what treatments are required, and the extent of the damage. Fumigation will also require you to leave your home for a few days.

If you have an issue with woodworm, make sure you speak to a professional to help rectify the problem and eliminate unwanted problems, further down the road.