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Save Money And Stay Warm – Top Tips For Cutting Gas Bills

Save Money And Stay Warm – Top Tips For Cutting Gas Bills

With the cold weather and shorter days comes the expected leap on energy bills. Huge gas bills don’t have to cause anxiety: check out our top tips for saving fuel this winter.

Ditch The Drafts

That little draft coming from the windows and doors may not seem like a big deal, but they are letting warm air out and cool air in. Buy (or make!) draught excluders to go under doors and check windows.

If you have single-glazed or old double-glazed windows, DIY plastic double glazing sheets are an effective and cheap way of insulating older window units in the winter. Alternatively, invest in thermal curtains – you can get relatively cheap ready-made ones. By making sure the windows in every room are airtight and draft-free, you could reduce your heat loss by up to 25%.

Reach For The Foil

No. We’re not joking. Good old, regular tin foil can save you a huge amount on your heating bills! We don’t suggest you cover your home in foil, but a few sheets behind radiators can make all the difference. Usually, some of the heat produced by your radiators is absorbed into the wall behind. If you attach foil, the heat will be deflected back out into the room, making your heating more efficient.

Turn Down The Heat

If you use the foil tip, you can easily turn your thermostat down by a couple of degrees without noticing a difference in temperature. Turning your heat down by just one degree can save the average homeowner up to £65 a year – even if you have to wear an extra layer, it’s definitely worth it!

Long And Low

Many people have their heating on high for a short period of time to save money. However, keeping your heating on low, for longer periods of time, is actually a more efficient way of heating your home. Every time your boiler kicks in, it takes energy to reach the required temperature – doing this three or four times a day uses more gas than simply having your heating at a lower temperature, for longer. Long and low helps to reduce condensation in the home caused by changing internal temperatures, too.

If you are concerned about your gas usage, your boiler may be faulty. It is important to get your boiler serviced at least once a year, but if your boiler is old, it may be beneficial to replace it with a more energy-efficient one. This could save up to £300 a year.

For more information about boiler installation and servicing, find a local, trusted boiler specialist on Trust A Trader.com. Want to know more? Follow Trust a Trader on Facebook or Twitter.

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