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Goldfish FAQs: Surviving Winter

Goldfish FAQs: Surviving Winter

They are great for mental health and a lovely addition to the garden, but your fishy friends do need to be looked after if you want them to survive throughout the year and its related weather changes.

As temperatures drop, it is understandable that you may be a little concerned about their ability to survive the cold and the shorter days. In general, goldfish can handle the cold well, in fact, some even prefer it and as such they will thrive over the winter. By answering these frequently asked questions we hope to help you to keep your fish healthy through the winter.

Do fish hibernate?

When temperatures reach a certain point, fish go into a state of semi-hibernation, also known as torpor. During this stage, they become less active and their metabolism slows right down. This means that they don’t need to be fed as much, if at all, but they do still need to be looked after.

Should I prevent the pond from freezing over?

In the UK, pond owners are less used to freezing temperatures than other countries which means that we are generally less knowledgeable about what to do in extremely low temperatures. You don’t need to worry about your pond freezing. A layer of ice will help to protect your pond from hungry predators and can add a layer of insulation, protecting your fish from cold ambient temperatures and stopping the pond temperature from dropping further. You do, however, need to make sure that there is a hole in the ice to allow for waste gases to be released.

Should I keep the pump running?

Your pump plays an important role all year round. You should keep your pond pump and pond filter on all the time to keep your water oxygenated and healthy. They will also help to prevent a buildup of thick ice.

Do I need a pond heater?

You might be surprised to discover that a pond heater doesn’t actually warm the pond water, it just prevents ice from forming. If you are unable to maintain a hole in the ice for gasses to escape, or you are worried about amphibians entering and exiting your pond, you may decide to invest in a heater, although it isn’t necessary.

What do I feed fish in the winter?

Thanks to their slowed metabolism, you don’t need to feed fish in winter. In fact, feeding them can be dangerous as they won’t digest the food, which can rot in their stomachs. If you do want to feed your fish, make sure that you choose easily digestible food such as wheat germ.

If you are concerned about your fishes’ welfare over the winter, speak to your local gardener or pond specialist or pop into your local garden centre, where they will be able to provide you with the guidance and equipment that you need to ensure that they thrive through the colder months.

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